why blogging

Now that my daughter is serious about her horse riding, and the fact that we are horse owners, we all know that doing anything horse related can be expensive. My husband still deploys for 90 days at a time, he’s a wounded veteran who served 27 years and is approaching his 60’s. I know that retirement day will eventually come and I needed to find a way to make some extra money to be able to provide Amy a long future with her horse Maverick.

I have heard blogging can generate some extra income, so I am going to try my utmost to make this endeavor work. I would like to write about our horse adventures, trials and errors when it comes to purchasing horse equipment (before we know it we own a tack shop), ways to correct some unfavorable horse behaviors, supplements that work (and don’t), boarding facilities in our local area, places to ride in Kalispell MT, the list is endless what a horse enthusiast could write about.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog The Horse Buzz and I welcome any comments, shares, likes, and suggestions by fellow horse parents and riders.

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